When you apply for credit there are certain steps that lenders will take. Typically, they will look at an individual's credit history to help them assess the applicant's ability to meet their financial commitments. Therefore, evidence of late payments is likely to influence a lender's decision about granting new credit.
Many people may not realise that a missed payment on a utility bill or mobile phone agreement could have a negative impact on their credit report. In fact, if an individual has missed or made a late payment on a credit or service agreement then prospective lenders could see this and take it into account during the application process. This doesn't necessarily mean that they won't get the credit deal they want, especially if there's evidence of them resolving any financial difficulties. However, things will run a lot more smoothly if you've kept your previous finances in order.
If you do have late payments in your credit history, then we're here to help you to get the mortgage you're looking for.
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