Checking and managing your credit score regularly is something that we should all be doing, as it can affect your ability to borrow money or access products such as credit cards, or loans. You can check your score for free and if it isn't in the best shape, then we can help you.
We're experienced in helping people to get mortgages, especially if they have adverse credit, which includes a poor credit history. If you haven't done so already, it's a good idea to check your credit score. You can read more about credit scores below:
Your credit score is created from information held in your credit report, which is also known as your credit file.
Your credit score can differ between lenders and, even between different products from the same lender. This will depend on the criteria used in assessing you as a potential customer.
To get yourself assessed for free, without obligation; an assessment that's tailored to your unique circumstances - use this link
The information held on your credit file and your credit application might be used to decide:
If your credit report shows a few missed payments, you might be charged higher interest by lenders or might not be eligible for some loans. The reason for this is that lenders believe they might be taking a higher risk when lending to you.
Your credit history can affect your ability to get things such as insurance or begin mobile phone contracts.
Regularly checking your report is a great idea, as it can help you spot any fraudulent activity or mistakes on your report.